Category Archives: Neocommunism

Barack Obama Sex-Ed for Kindergartners Open Trackbacks

The Mouth Peace really, really, really wants to know what the evidence shows. Watch and find out.

If the embedded video doesn’t work go to the YouTube channel.

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Obama’s Barack and Roll crowd in Portland

I have no idea whether the 75,000 people who attended Obama’s rally in Portland, on the first warm Sunday after an unusually long and cold winter, were there to see him, to have fun on a nice day and flirt with all the other promiscuous liberals, or to see the free rock band. It was probably a combination of reasons. Someone who was there wrote:

I saw the crowd in my city. It was the single largest number of people I’ve ever seen. No doubt a few thousand came to see the 45 min rock band, but the other 70,000 came to see Obama. You ask anyone in the crowd why they came. It was free, the weather was perfect, and Obama was in town. Portland showed up for Obama when it counts in the end. May that never be forgotten. Portland is progressive–we don’t want to recycle old presidents, Clintons, and Bushes, for another 20 years!! Revolving dynasties turn rotten after a while.

I sympathize with the sentiment concerning the revolving dynasties in the Presidency. However there are more important things in the world than the last name of the candidates. Platform is one of them. The personal history and character of the candidate is another. Their skill at drawing rock-show sized crowds is secondary at best.

Anyway, before BO spoke there was a free concert by the Decemberists, an up-and-coming crypto-communist rock band from Portland. Rolling Stone loves them. Watch “O Valencia” for a taste of Tarantino-style paranoia from the band.

The juxtaposition of BO with Portland’s own Decemberists, who play the National Anthem of the Soviet Union before their concerts, is interesting enough, and also interesting in what it says about progressive Portland.


Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Allie is Wired, third world county, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, Right Truth, The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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China is claiming attacks from inside and outside and is embarrassed beyond belief by the constant interference by protesters against the Olympic torch procession. China is taking a hard line about things, threatening athletes who express opinions the Chinese government doesn’t like with expulsion from the games.

What I’d like to discover is where the radical anti-war groups are in this popular protest against Chinese tyranny in Tibet. This appears to be action by people who are truly concerned with Tibet, as contrasted with the La Raza and Code Pink rallies, which are led by groups like International ANSWER and the Revolutionary Communist Party. Are the usual anti-war groups showing up to protest against China? Or do they only protest against America?

Zombietime and Ginna Allison have excellent photo reports on the fabulous torch relay disappearing act in San Francisco. Even David Copperfield would have had trouble making this protest disappear as well as SF’s thin blue line did the trick.


Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam’s Blog, Maggie’s Notebook, Pirate’s Cove, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, A Newt One, Dumb Ox Daily News, Adeline and Hazel, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Minneapolis-St. Paul Radicals plan to have tasers just in time for Republican National Convention

In its own words:

MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL – The RNC Welcoming Committee (RNC-WC), an anarchist and anti-authoritarian organizing body based in the Twin Cities, announced today that it has ordered tasers for each of its members and friends. The announcement comes on the heels of last month’s St. Paul City Council approval of a St. Paul Police Department (SPPD) request for 234 tasers. Due to a unique corporate-anarchist confidentiality agreement, the exact number of tasers or documentable evidence of this new order will not be disclosed.

Both the SPPD and RNC-WC taser orders are scheduled to arrive before the September 1 so-called Republican National Convention (RNC) in St. Paul.

Of course they claim the timing is coincidental. Wink wink. Right… To add to the winking, jocular tone of the press announcement, the RNC-WC adds:

Once the RNC-WC order is finalized, the St. Paul Police Department will no longer have a monopoly on the weapons that have been implicated in hundreds of deaths nationwide, including the killing of a Fridley man by Minnesota State Troopers in January.

The Welcoming Committee has no plans to purchase machine guns, rubber bullets, pepper spray, tear gas, concussion grenades, batons, water cannons or helicopters, all of which will be at the disposal of local police and federal agents in September.

Aren’t violent anarchists tres amusing?

h/t: Pat Dollard


Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, A Blog For All, 123beta, Right Truth,, InvestorBlogger, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, ARISTO_GATTA, Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, Miss Beth’s Victory Dance, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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’68 Flashbacks

The Recreate 68 organization is an alliance of local to Denver anti-Globalization protestors and “anti-racist,” “anti-war,” “direct action” types (this means they are neo-communists, the evil shadow to neo-conservatives) who admit they are sick and tired of being pandered to by the Democratic National Committee. They are so over the whole two party system they want to tear down the ramparts and storm the Bastille, behead the King and all that.

We are committed to resisting and overturning a system of violence inflicted daily on people of this country and the world, and against the natural environment, by political and corporate power, in the pursuit of profit. We are resolved that our group will not instigate violence against human beings as a means to end this system of violence and injustice. However, we recognize the right of the people to self-defense and community defense.10 Mutual Assurances Between Groups And Organizations Planning DNC Related Activities:

  1. To publicly support rights of free speech, the right to organize, and the right to dissent for all.
  2. To maintain solidarity with and respect the guidelines of all permitted activities, recognizing that there are many individuals who seek a safe and peaceful protest.
  3. To support and participate in efforts to assure civil liberties for everyone in Denver, including the right to organize civil disobedience and nonviolent direct action without that organizing being criminalized or disrupted.
  4. To speak out against any pre-emptive arrests, raids on activists spaces, or attacks on independent journalists and other media.
  5. To be conscious of and speak out against police targeting and differential treatment of people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, accent, or appearance.
  6. Not to turn people over to the police, or share information with the police about other groups.
  7. Not to publicly criticize the tactics used by other parts of our movement or cooperate with media efforts to be divisive or portray good protester/bad protester.
  8. To publicly condemn police repression and brutality.
  9. To be conscious that if violence or property destruction does occur, we will do what we can to help prevent it from being blown out of proportion and dominating the media coverage.
  10. To remember that, when all is said and done, our greatest victory will be an activist community with a renewed sense of strength and unity.

How do you like #6 and 7 basically agreeing to non-cooperation with the police in the case of any crimes committed by violent allies of this “non-violent” movement? Seems like malice aforethought to make these preparations. Maybe they claim to be non-violent as a form of camouflage.

In a second irruption of ’68 nostalgia, the Black Liberation Theology of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ church has risen to a considerable measure of infamy. Barack Obama has been shaken by the recent publicity about the preacher who converted him to Christianity, married him to his wife, and baptized his daughter. Though Sean Hannity had been on the Rev. Jeremiah Wright story for over a year, it didn’t get going in the media until Obama’s church started selling Wright’s sermons on DVD. A producer from ABC bought it and it became a story. Note, this is important. This was a collection of Wright’s speeches put out by his own church. These were the speeches that his own church agreed were the most important and presumably they were typical. So any claims that Obama didn’t know Wright was saying this are disingenuous. These are Wright’s greatest hits. It’s like being a Chicago Bears fan faced with a Greatest Plays by the Chicago Bears DVD and not recognizing any of the games. Where were you all these years? Apparently not watching football. Either Obama wasn’t paying attention in church or he is lying about it. Neither is good for his credibility.

Perhaps this summer’s Olympic games will feature American sprinters raising black-gloved hands in protest of American policy, allowing China to make excuses for its totalitarian repression of Tibet and internal groups such as the Falun Gong. I hope not.

And in third place we have the Manson Family. Taking a back seat to none in his Helter Skelter days Manson and his gang of murderers now live in obscurity, some still jailed. But years of jail-house braggadocio have given the authorities enough evidence to search the desert for the decomposed bodies of people who disappeared in the late 60s after being seen at or near the Manson Family compound. The have used advanced technology to identify several possible graves. (h/t: Jammie Wearing Fool)

The machine detects fluorinated hydrocarbon compounds, one of the approximately 400 types of volatile organic compounds emitted by human bodies during decomposition. Focusing on these compounds is important because Vass believes they’re formed as the fluoride added to urban drinking water is released after death.Their presence helps differentiate a human bone from bones from wild animals, explained Vass, who has spent years developing a decomposition odor database using bodies donated to the Oak Ridge lab.

The instrument beeped at regular intervals. As it approached the ground, the beeping accelerated until it was a steady stream of sound.

“That’s impressive,” said Wise, a senior researcher at Oak Ridge specializing in environmental analytical chemistry. Vass agreed.

Using a thin, 3-foot long probe, Vass tested the soil in the area. It slid into the ground without much effort.

“Undisturbed soil isn’t this easy to probe,” he said.

“The loose soil area is roughly like this,” he said, using the tip of the instrument to draw a long oval on the ground. “It’s about three feet deep.”

A reminder of what Manson was all about. His intention was to use the murders to ignite a race war of white against black in the USA. He thought that racism was hotter and more violent than it really was back in those days. It’s too bad that those who think like him, the “anti-racists” in Recreate ’68 and their neocommie friends, haven’t yet figured that out. America is not a racist country the same way it was before the civil rights movement finally buried the last shreds of the Democratic Party’s Jim Crow laws in the South. And that was 50 years ago. Many Americans have grown up to middle age without being taught racism by their parents and feel bewildered when they are accused of being racist, all because of the color of their skin.


Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, McCain Blogs, A Newt One- Chris Hill on tonight, DragonLady’s World, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Stuck On Stupid, Leaning Straight Up, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Romanian Hippocide

Hippocide, from the greek for horse “hippos” and the latin “-cide” for killing.

It turns out that in its vast socialist wisdom the EU forced Romania to ban horse-drawn carts from its roads, and the result has been that owners of now economically useless horses turned them out and stopped feeding them. Gethin Chamberlain writes:

Once, they would have pulled wooden carts along the city’s streets or worked in the fields, as horses have done in Romania for centuries. But now they have been abandoned by their owners, victims of a disastrous attempt to bring the country into line with European Union law by banning horse-drawn carts from main roads.Over the past month, hundreds of stray horses have been found roaming the streets and parks of Romania’s major cities. Many are half-starved and barely able to walk; some have died where they were discovered, unable to get back to their feet.

So, we find that the incredible wisdom of state socialism kills animals with greater efficiency and cruelty than an animal testing lab. The irony is that animal rights activists are some of the biggest fans of socialism because they know there is no other way that their extremist, anti-human agenda will ever take effect.

Now we can add anti-horse to the list of adjectives in front of their agenda.


Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, , and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Sowell on Liberal Fascism

Young Jonah Goldberg wrote a thoughtful book,
And Thomas Sowell thinks that you should look
Within its leaves, where what’s supposed as fact,
A guess at how the fascists think and act,
That follows the theorems of old Karl Marx,
From Darwin to progressive futurist arcs,
That blames the free market for fascist course,
And seeks the cure by means of government force,
A lyric from a good old Weavers’ song,
Revealed as lies one eighty degrees wrong.

As Sowell sums up:

The left may say that they are not racists or anti-semites, like Hitler, but neither was Mussolini or Franco. Hitler, incidentally, got some of his racist ideology from the writings of American “progressives” in the eugenics movement.

Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism” is too rich a book to be summarized in a newspaper column. Get a copy and start re-thinking the received notions about who is on “the left” and who is on “the right.” It is a book for people who want to think, rather than repeat rhetoric.

In the meantime, or if you’ve already read Liberal Fascism, try this comic, my posts on fascism and everything at Skarbutts.


Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, Dumb Ox Daily News, A Newt One, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Nutroots now a Parenthesis?

Donald Douglas notes that Edwards’ and Kucinich’s withdrawal from the presidential campaign leaves behind those Democrat candidates the nutroots most despised.

There’s been some recent commentary suggesting one of the biggest losers in primary season ’08 is the angry left.With top hard-left candidates John Edwards and Dennis Kucinich already out of the race, have the radical netroots Democratic Party activists sunk to irrelevancy?

Dan Gerstein made an interesting observation on this over the weekend, at the Wall Street Journal. He argues that while the Clinton-Obama South Carolina results appeared to resolve tensions over race and politics, the underlying significance of Obama’s victory was to relegate the Daily Kos angry hordes to the sidelines of the party

It would be a result most devoutly to be wished if the nutroots were to be revealed as the outside parenthesis of the left rather than the mainstream left. But as Douglas points out, even if this were to happen we can expect more Alinsky style troublemaking from the Kos/MoveOn/Soros demonizing hordes.


Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, third world county, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, A Newt One, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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The Billary Clintons play the race card

Kyle-Anne Shiver has been conducting a virtual seminar at the American Thinker for the past month or so in how Barack Obama and the Billary Clintons, who were all well trained in Saul Alinsky’s 4GW methods of agitation, have been employing the Alinsky techniques to destroy and defeat each other. The Alinsky technique is a vicious way of scapegoating and personally destroying a opponent in order to arouse and excite one’s own followers and demoralize and defeat the opponent’s followers.

Even though Obama seems to be harnessing the South Carolina black vote that will give him that state’s delegates, he has been feeling the brunt of the Clintons’ mastery of the tactic of polarization, taught decades ago to Hillary by Saul Alinsky.
Obama is being forced into the position of being the black candidate. Successfully polarizing Obama, who has attempted to run as the anti-polarity uniter, a man in the middle, has not been a lazy-day walk in the park for the Clintons, and surely would not have been attempted if Obama hadn’t trounced them in Iowa. [link]
Let me set something straight. I am a pragmatic anti-racist. I believe that race is a useless distinction. Race is a lie. There is no black race, no white race, no oriental race, no Jewish, Palestinian, English, French, Swedish, Aryan, German, Swiss, Russian, Ethiopian, Eritrean or Arab race. Caucasian, Mongolian, Negro are all long-rejected classifications of the human race based on the way that people look and the color of their skin. The human race is the only race worth favoring. Well, maybe wolves and other dogs deserve some favoring too.But black and white racism is about as stupid as white chocolate. Dark chocolate, on the other hand…

The Alinsky technique goes something like this. Find an opponent who has some reason to avoid open conflict. This opponent will become the scapegoat for all that is wrong in the world, the focus of agitation and polarization. Followers will come to believe this scapegoat is a vile enemy. It is not necessary that the scapegoat really be a vile enemy. They simply need to be able to be painted as an enemy.

Cue George W. Bush. Is Bush derangement syndrome more understandable now?

Ridicule the enemy. Then blame the enemy for whatever the enemy has. It doesn’t have to be anything bad. It only has to be something you don’t have. Start making a lot of noise. Be rude, horrible, hateful. This isn’t about truth or reality, it is about turning your followers into mad dogs and frightening the enemy and any innocent bystanders into letting you get away with whatever you want to do.

Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis on the tactics of Saul Alinsky. She was offered a job to work directly for Alinsky in Chicago, but turned it down to go to law school at Yale, where she worked to defend Black Panthers from murder charges. She understands Alinsky’s method very well. After graduating, Obama went to work for a community organization in Chicago that needed a black person to rabble rouse in the hood. They used the Alinsky method to agitate for free goodies for the “Have Nots.” Obama learned by doing and became very good at it. He got good enough that it led to his first political office as a ward politician in Chicago.

Obama does not want to engage in verbal combat with Hillary Clinton because no man should fight a woman. Mrs. Clinton already complained that the men were beating up on helpless poor little rich-girl Hill at an early debate. Obama knows that beating up a girl is a losing tactic. Instead, he has been direct about publicly scapegoating Bill Clinton as the problem with the hostility in the campaign. He will not do the same to Mrs. Clinton. Perhaps he will find some subordinates to do the dirty work of tarring her. If he wants to have a chance he will.

Obama is as likable as Bill Clinton. He doesn’t need to get into the mud to fight it out. He could win without using Alinsky tactics. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is not charismatic. She needs to use Alinsky-style tactics. If you thought the Bill Clinton years were divisive and polarizing for the country, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Following the successful example of the Clintons, the Democrats divide the country up into tribes of women, blacks, hispanics, gays and lesbians, abortionists, leftover marxists, good and bad members of the military, good and bad businessmen, tobacco-spitting hicks, NASCAR voters, and the like. If they can assemble enough tribes into their coalition they can win. They do not have any interest in bringing people together or in erasing tribal distinctions. They succeed when they polarize people and drive them into tribes, because that makes the tribes angry and easy to manipulate with Alinsky-style tactics.

So what are the Billary Clintons doing against Obama? They are turning his black support against him. He is not running on race, but black people support him anyway. The Clintons will force him to stand with his race while Hillary gathers women to herself, and in a vote along tribal lines the 50% woman vote beats the 10% black vote. They will also ridicule his lack of experience, as he is only a first term Senator, while touting Hillary Clinton’s experience.

This leaves an opening the Republican opponent can use in the general election. Ultra-feminist Hillary Clinton is counting being the long-suffering wife of a philandering President as experience leading the country. It isn’t, no matter how much she cries about it. She is only a second-term Senator and never held any elected office before joining the Senate. Plus she is older than Bill by a year. Perhaps she will cry in her defense again. Perhaps? Surely she will.

The presidential campaign is going to get really ugly. Uglier than we have ever seen it. And that ugliness will be something that can be turned against those who use it.

Links to more sources on these tactics below.


Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Woman Honor Thyself, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pet Haven Blog, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Post-modernist Chomsky has trouble separating truth from falsehood

Noam Chomsky continues his Jew-baiting ways, this time while visiting Iran. Read all about it at Gateway Pundit.

The Iranian Mehr News is reporting on their exclusive interview with America-hating Leftist Noam Chomsky:

Noam Chomsky, a widely known intellectual and political activist, says an immediate punishment of Palestinians started “for the crime of not following orders” by Israel and U.S.

In an interview with the Mehr News Agency, Chomsky said, “Savage punishment of Palestinians by the U.S.-Israeli alliance” should come to an end.

Oy vey! What a yutzi pomo shmeckle he is! Look it up. His mother should be alive today to see what a self-hating Jew she raised.

h/t: Thomas Lifson


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