Category Archives: Fascism

I was Spartacus; I am Joe the Plumber

Joe the Plumber asked The One, The Messiah, Lord Barack Obama the Most Merciful, about his tax plans and how it would affect someone who was looking to buy a small plumbing business from its current owner. Now the modern Spartacus has been subjected to the Media’s and the Democrat Party’s, but I repeat myself, politics of personal destruction. They have started a hostile investigation of Joe. They are at war with Joe, just like they were at war with Bork, Thomas, Alito, Lieberman, and Sarah Palin before him. They chased down his voter registration, his apprenticeship papers, his back taxes, his plumber license, etc etc etc. Toledo is cracking down on him in the intent to prevent him from practicing his craft.

The left intends to threaten and frighten anyone who would speak against them into silence. They are truly the inheritors of the tactics of oppression used by the Ku Klux Klan, Nazis and Bolsheviks.

Everyone who speaks truth to Obama’s power is in danger of being attacked by Democrats and the Media. The perversely-named Fairness Doctrine is only one example of the Left’s deep hatred of free speech except for  speech they agree with. They intend to crush everybody’s rights to speak freely, not just the rights of radio employees and college students.

I am Joe the Plumber!

Try saying it yourself. Throw in some Howard Beall.

I am Joe the Plumber! I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!

I mean it. Try it. Oh to be Joe the Plumber, steadfast foeman of the neocommies.

Watch Joe’s offense against The One Continue reading

Sowell on Liberal Fascism

Young Jonah Goldberg wrote a thoughtful book,
And Thomas Sowell thinks that you should look
Within its leaves, where what’s supposed as fact,
A guess at how the fascists think and act,
That follows the theorems of old Karl Marx,
From Darwin to progressive futurist arcs,
That blames the free market for fascist course,
And seeks the cure by means of government force,
A lyric from a good old Weavers’ song,
Revealed as lies one eighty degrees wrong.

As Sowell sums up:

The left may say that they are not racists or anti-semites, like Hitler, but neither was Mussolini or Franco. Hitler, incidentally, got some of his racist ideology from the writings of American “progressives” in the eugenics movement.

Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism” is too rich a book to be summarized in a newspaper column. Get a copy and start re-thinking the received notions about who is on “the left” and who is on “the right.” It is a book for people who want to think, rather than repeat rhetoric.

In the meantime, or if you’ve already read Liberal Fascism, try this comic, my posts on fascism and everything at Skarbutts.


Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, Dumb Ox Daily News, A Newt One, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Antifa’s Fascist Aunty

Who are the Antifas and Antiras? Wikipedia describes them as militant anti-fascists.

Militant anti-fascism is a form of anti-fascism that advocates the use of violence against fascism. Within the anti-fascist movement, the term militant anti-fascism is often used in contrast to liberal anti-fascism.Fascists often use violence and depend on a physical presence in the streets, and militant anti-fascists believe that an equal counterweight is essential to stop fascism. […]

Militant anti-fascists are usually supporters of class struggle, and view fascism as an anti-working class political system. Militant anti-fascists tend to promote radical anti-capitalist transformation of society, rather than defending the status quo of liberal democracy. This often translates into support for some form of socialism or anarchism.

As John Jay Ray points out, Fascism was not a right wing perversion that sprang from untrammeled capitalism, but a progressive movement with the intention of forcing or tricking people into giving up their liberty to a perfected society, all for their own good.

If the term “Fascism” means anything of itself it means “Groupism” — as the fasci of Italy at the time were simply groups of political activists. The fasces of ancient Roman times were of course the bundles of rods carried by the lictors to symbolize the great strength of the organized Roman people. The idea again was that people were stronger in groups than as individuals.

Mussolini got his ideas for fascism from the most prominent groupthinkers of his day: Woodrow Wilson and the American Progressives.

“Upon taking power in Washington, Wilson and the many other Southerners he brought into his cabinet were disturbed at the way the federal government went about its own business. One legacy of post-Civil War Republican ascendancy was that Washington’s large black populace had access to federal jobs, and worked with whites in largely integrated circumstances. Wilson’s cabinet put an end to that, bringing Jim Crow to Washington. Wilson allowed various officials to segregate the toilets, cafeterias, and work areas of their departments”.

There is more.

the more one reads about the American “Progressives” of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the more parallels one finds between them and the Fascists. For instance, particularly prominent on the American Left were the Bellamys. Edward and Francis Bellamy actively promoted what they called “military socialism” and, largely under their influence, loyalty oaths, flag ceremonies, racist preaching and even the straight-armed salute were all common in America long before they were adopted by Mussolini and the Nazis.

This speech from the era of WW2 is pure fascism.

“If we are to go forward we must move as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline, because, without such discipline, no progress is made, no leadership becomes effective. We are, I know, ready and willing to submit our lives and property to such discipline because it makes possible a leadership which aims at a larger good”.

The speech was given by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, progressive icon.

Why have I done this? To smear Democrats and liberals? On the contrary, I have done it to awaken the reader to the fact that fascism is not only of the right, but that fascism can be of the left, and has been leftist for most of the 20th century.

So what we have in antifa is a militant group movement that seeks to bully and physically attack those who it perceives as being of the right, precisely because they are of the right and hold with capitalist or counterjihad principles. The Nazi party was the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Antifa is a violent socialist group intent on suppressing others by violence. In other words, the antifa movement is by no means anti-fascist, but actually is exactly as fascist as the Nazi SS Brownshirts.

When the leather-jacketed, jackbooted antifa horde charges at jews and counterjihadists, iron bars swinging, it is accurate to compare the attack to Kristallnacht and the attackers to the Nazi Party, which was after all a party of Socialist Fascists just like the Antifa. Anti-fascist? How about Aunty Fascist instead?

Or just leave Aunty at home and call them Fascists, since that’s what they are.

Trackposted to Blog @, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Mark My Words, Allie is Wired, The Pink Flamingo, Chuck Adkins, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Thugs Nearly Murder “Stop Islamisation of Europe” Leaders

The translation to English is squirrelly, but I think you will get the message.

there was a loud bang and the frontwindow was damaged. About two autonomous looking types were in the front and two on ecah sites smashing the site windows shouting Get him out get him out! and started hitting Anders and the SIAD passenger in the other site with ironbars. The SIAD member in the middle (foto) was hit of a thrown filled soda bottle in her backhead.

Anders succeded after a while to kick one of the autonomous hard in the face as he leaned in to unlock the door. Anders mananged to get out with a fire extinguisher from the van and hit another one hard on the shoulder. It remained later that they attemted to stab him down when there was found cut holes in the shirt, jacket and vest. Anders was wearing his securityvest which saved his life.

Details at SIOE Stop Islamisation of Europe.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Nuke’s, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, , Woman Honor Thyself, guerrilla radio, Right Truth, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The Populist, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, High Desert Wanderer, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Blogspotting: Skarbutts

Skarbutts is in no way a new discovery for me. I’ve been enjoying this infrequently updated WordPress blog, which uses the same WordPress theme I use, for about a year. Skarbutts’ theme is fascism of all stripes, with a focus on the fascist vision of H. G. Wells and other Progressives of the same era. He is not in favor of fascism.

Skarbutts’ central insight, which must be understood in order to comprehend the rest, descends from the First Reich (Roman Empire).

Although the term fascist has been distorted, once one understands the concept of the fasces the term becomes less murky and the false dichotomy between other forms of collectivism is exposed. Long before Mussolini espoused fascism the Roman Empire existed as a fascist state and the term fascist itself originated from the fasces which were the ancient Roman symbol representing the power of the state. The fasces were comprised of many rods which were bundled around an axe and bound by cords. The rods and axe together symbolized many diverse groups united and bound to a supreme authority as one. This symbol was revived to represent the Fascist Party during the twentieth century.

Unity by itself is not fascism but becomes so when control is placed under a centralized authoritarian which determines to purge out or suppress all nonconformity and resistance. Like the rods of the fasces, fascism today also consists of many social groups and organizations which unite as one in seeking the establishment of a universal authoritarian to empower their agendas and suppress their opponents. These global networks of various groups, many in the form of NGOs and PVOs, represent almost innumerable causes such as environmental, humanitarian, animal rights, civil rights, and gay rights just to name a few. By disguising themselves in a cause that evokes sympathy, and by consolidating forces, they infect the body politic to establish an authoritarian rule which will sympathize with and empower their cause. The fasces as a symbol may or may not have out lived its usefulness, but as a concept it is ever present. (Ideo-fascism)

Excellence aside, the main reason I am reviewing Skarbutts today is because right now his indexing is all screwed up and it’s hard to find what you’re looking for on it. I hope I can add something for those who want to have one place to use to access all his essays. Without further ado, in chronological order they are:

  • Cogitations 10.11.06
    Seeds for thought.
  • Super Power Stupor Power 10.11.06
    Is it a blessing or a curse to be the world’s only super power?
  • State Sponsors of State Sponsors of Terrorism 10.11.06
    Key quote: “today both Russia and China continue to support and arm terrorist states.” Seeing terrorism as a proxy conflict between communist nations and democratic states.
  • A Union of Fascist 10.11.06
    “Fascism quite simply put is a form of collectivism comprised of two principles, one rules as a supreme totalitarian and the other is its mass of subordinates which serve. Together they form one body united in a common cause. Relative to the entity’s perceived power, the tendency is to either assimilate, subjugate, or destroy all which are deemed foreign.”
  • The War for the World 10.11.06
    The post-WWII, fascist struggle to use NGOs and tax-exempt organizations to overthrow national governments and create a world government with an elitist ruling class.
  • The Seed of Fascism 10.11.06
    “National Socialism is Marxism made workable” – Adolph Hitler, 1937. The Tower of Babel and the many faces and forms of fascism.
  • Ideo-fascism: The Fourth Reich 10.12.06
    The fascism of transnational progressivism and the one-world-government movement.
  • The Open Conspiracy Revealed 10.12.06
    H. G. Wells’ books The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution and The New World Order are the play-books for transnational progressivism and the one-world-government movement. This essay is about the current state of the world.
  • The Progressive Wellsian State 10.20.06
    Back before the term was tarnished by association with Hitler, many people were proud to be called fascists. One of them was H. G. Wells, “referred to himself as a “liberal fascist” and put forward a theory of revolutionary praxis centered around a concept he described as “liberal fascism.”
  • Sophisticated Savages 11.25.06
    Subtitled “Neo-Tribalism, The Third Wave, and The New World Order,” this essay describes the tactics (The Third Way, Communitarianism, and the sabotage of the Westphalian Nation State) that will be used to implement the New World Order and the One World Government.
  • Anti-Semitism and Collectivism 1.1.07
    Leftists are anti-Semites, not because of their leftism, but because of their collectivist mindset.
  • The Final Tower 2.10.07
    Philosophical foundations of the transnational progressive movement to impose a collectivist One World Government.
  • Synthesis of the Nations: Israel Alone 4.3.07
    Globalization has weakened national borders and boundaries and strengthened the ties between nations. As the road to a global government grows wider there is an increasing desire to punish and dissolve those nations, like Israel, that desire to retain their own unique identity.
  • A World off Axis 5.14.07
    Summing up: Global economic and governmental interdependence is at the mercy of the most ruthless of states, as the incentive is to appease the most aggressive states and give in to even their unreasonable demands.
  • Globalization Destabilization 5.26.07
    Is the increase of Islamic terrorism a reaction to increased globalization? Are other tensions between nations related to the current-day demand for international consensus before action and against unilateral actions for national self-interest?
  • Faith Against Faith 6.22.07
    The moral and intellectual weakness of dogmatic atheism.

Trackposted to Nuke’s, Outside the Beltway, The Populist, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Webloggin, Conservative Thoughts, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Who Hates Americans? Communists, Anti-Semites. Kucinich and Paul?

Ishmael Vera has the truth on who hates America. Judging by what they said about Horowitz they hate Jews too.

The protest, which will be called “American Fascism Awareness Day” is being organized by Adam Kokesh of Iraq Veterans Against the War, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Students for Justice In Palestine, and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee among others and will feature speakers such as congressman Dennis Kucinich and presidential candidate Ron Paul, anti-war activists Cindy Sheehan and Harry Karry and actor Sean Penn. According to a spokesperson for the Revolutionary Communist Party, one of the sponsors of the event, “This is an answer to the Jew Horowitz and the neo-conservative Zionists who dragged us into an imperialist war in Iraq and are spreading hatred against Muslims to support their war plans against the Republic of Iran.” […]Many Americans contacted by were outraged over the announced protest. Latisha Freeman, an African American student at one of the campuses that was flyered commented that all Americans were not racists and that the flyer was generally “unpatriotic and unfair.” American Legion commander K. “Ike” Landsman, was blunter. “These are communist ingrates who don’t appreciate this great country and they ought to be deported to Iran or Afghanistan where they would be welcome.” Fox News Channel anchor Alan Colmes, had a different take. “Lighten up,” Colmes said when he was shown the flyer; “this is a parody of views that liberals actually have. No one should get upset. This is just free speech in action.”

Who Hates Americans? We Do.

Your typical American is:

  • A racist. A sexist. A homophobe.
  • An Islamo-phobe.
  • Is willing to invade other countries for oil and pleasure.
  • Is easily manipulated by Rush Limbaugh and Jews.
  • Is the cause of global warming.

Join Us For American Fascism Awareness Day

Place: Washington (Slaveholder) Monument

Date: November 31, 2007

Time: 12PM-2:00 PM


  • Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, congressmen
  • Adam Kokesh, Iraq War veteran
  • Chris Hedges, journalist
  • Cindy Sheehan, Harry Karry, peace activists
  • Michael Moore, Sean Penn, film-makers


Peace and Social Justice Crusade, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Code Pink, Muslim Students Association, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Students for Justice in Palestine, Revolutionary Communist Party, International A.N.S.W.E.R.,,,,,

Is this straightforward declaration of hatred towards all Americans the kind of thing that would count as criminal hate speech under a hate speech code? If not, why not?

No surprise here. The way to learn about American Fascists is from the biggest fascists of all, neocommunists, islamists, and other assorted leftists. They don’t believe in free thought or speech. Even log-cabin conservative Andrew Sullivan agrees. With these leftist thought police and their thugs, it’s all about maintaining ideological uniformity, and rabble rousing over the enemy du jour, which has been George W. Bush since he defeated Al Gore in the 2000 elections.

The people who are appearing at this fascist and neocommunist convention most likely do not know with whom they are associating. I doubt that Ron Paul realizes he has been recruited to speak in front of a neocommunist rabble about how he hates Americans. Even the leftist kook Kucinich would probably be surprised to see the depth of the villainy assembled for this day. Warn them. If you care about these men, warn them.

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The Palestinians’ Nazi Past and Present

Professor X writes for Front Page Magazine:

The most important book to read on the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Nazis has, unfortunately, not yet been translated into English. Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Martin Cüppers’ Halbmond und Hakenkreuz. Das “Dritte Reich”, die Araber und Palästina, translated Crescent Moon and Swastika: The Third Reich, the Arabs, and Palestine was published September, 2006.

Dr. Klaus-Michael Mallman, the author of many books on Germany and the Holocaust, is Privatdozent für Neuere Geschichte at the University of Essen. Martin Cuppers is a researcher at the Forschungsstelle Ludwigsburg, and has published an important book on the command staff and office of the Reichsfuhrer SS, the Head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler.

Here is a summary of the argument of the book, translated from a long summary in German:

The Nazis prepared to extend the Holocaust into Palestine and in preparation for doing so they infected the Arabs with their ideology, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, and the forces around Amin al-Husseini, in order to have allies.

“The Jew is the enemy and to kill him pleases Allah.” This statement, which is formulated a bit more rhetorically in the Charter of the Palestinian government party Hamas and which appears in publications of the Iranian state publishing house, and is daily broadcast by Hezbollah TV al-Manar to all world, actually originates neither from Islamic extremists nor from recent events. It was the common coin of Nazi radio broadcasts to the Arabs between 1939 and 1945 in order to win Arab hearts and minds to the German cause. Meanwhile German Middle East experts endeavored in Germany to convince the Nazi government of “the natural alliance” between National Socialism and Islam. Experts such as the former German Ambassador in Cairo, Eberhard von Stohrer, reported to Hitler in 1941 that “the Fuhrer already held an outstanding position among the Arabs because of his fight against the Jews.”

It continues

Despite the initial Nazi tolerance of Jewish emigration from Germany to Palestine, the Nazi government eventually expanded their Holocaust plans to include the destruction of the Jews in the Near East. Studies undertaken by SS Einsatzgruppe [Special Taskforce] F already were listing Jewish dwellings in Palestine to be confiscated as accommodations for German troops once the Afrika Korps arrived in Palestine. Starting from the summer of 1942, an “SS Einsatz Gruppe Egypt” was established after the model of the mass-murder Einsatzgruppen active on the East Front, which had already murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews. The one established in Egypt was led by SS-Obersturmbannführer Walter Rauff and he had a whole staff with him, experienced in the murder of Jews, experts from the RSHA, the Head Office for Reich Reich Security. Their order: To continue “the destruction of the Jews begun in Europe with the energetic assistance of Arab collaborators” in the Near East.

According to Mallmann and Cuppers, the main Nazi ally locally was the Arab National Movement, and especially the Palestinian national movement, under the guidance of the exiled Amin al-Husseini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and uncle of the later Palestinian president Yassir Arafat.

Much of this is already known. See for example this video on Youtube

Also reference Alan Dershowitz’s article debunking AhmediNajad’s Holocaust myths on Huffington Post.

The mid to late 1930’s were marked by Arab efforts to curtail immigration and Jewish efforts to rescue as many Jews as possible from Hitler’s Europe. These years were also marked by escalating Muslim violence orchestrated by Husseini and other Muslim leaders. In 1936, Arab terrorism took on a new dimension. In the beginning the targets were once again defenseless Jewish civilians in hospitals, movie theatres, homes and stores. This was followed by strikes and shop closures, and then by the bombing of British offices. The Nazi regime in Germany and the Italian fascists supported the violence, sending “millions” to the Mufti. The SS, under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler, provided both financial and logistical support for anti-Semitic pogroms in Palestine. Adolf Eichmann visited Husseini in Palestine and subsequently maintained regular contact with him. The support was mutual, as one Arab commentator put it:

“Feeling the whip of Jewish pressure and influence, the Arabs sympathize[d] with the Nazis and Fascists in their agony and trials at the hands of Jewish intrigues and international financial pressure.”

The Palestinians and their Arab allies were anything but neutral about the fate of European Jewry. The official leader of the Palestinians, Haj Amin al-Husseini, spent the war years in Berlin with Hitler, serving as a consultant on the Jewish question. Husseini famously posed with Hitler for a photograph that was proudly displayed in the homes of many Palestinians. He was taken on a tour of Auschwitz by Himmler and expressed support for the mass murder of European Jews. He also sought to “solve the problems of the Jewish element in Palestine and other Arab countries” by employing “the same method” being used “in the Axis countries.” He would not be satisfied with the Jewish residents of Palestine – – many of whom were descendants of Sephardic Jews who had lived there for hundreds, even thousands, of years – – remaining as a minority in a Muslim state. Like Hitler, he wanted to be rid of “every last Jew.” As Husseini wrote in his memoirs:

“Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: ‘The Jews are yours.'”

The Mufti was apparently planning to return to Palestine in the event of a German victory and to construct a death camp, modeled after Auschwitz, near Nablus. Husseini incited his pro-Nazi followers with the words “Arise, o sons of Arabia. Fight for your sacred rights. Slaughter Jews wherever you find them. Their spilled blood pleases Allah, our history and religion. That will save our honor.” In 1944, a German-Arab commando unit, under Husseini’s command, parachuted into Palestine and poisoned Tel Aviv’s wells.

Husseini also helped to inspire a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq and helped to organize thousands of Muslims in the Balkans into military units known as Handselar divisions which carried out atrocities against Yugoslav Jews, Serbs and Gypsies.

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Lenin’s Ghost and More Marxist Breadcrumbs 9/30/07

Pravda, Ghost of Lenin sighted in the Kremlin

“Two years ago I worked at the President’s Archives located in the Kremlin,” says Sergei Kuleshov, a historian and colleague of Gorbovski’s. “I was having my lunch one day in a canteen. A friend of mine introduced me to a gray-haired gentleman who sat at our table.

He was a KGB colonel in charge of security of a building hosting Lenin’s former apartment and study. We were making jokes with regard to the supernatural as we ate our lunches. Suddenly, the KGB man stopped smiling and told us a story about footsteps and other strange sounds coming from Lenin’s apartment at night. He said that that his colleagues and he had repeatedly heard the footsteps and sounds that resembled those produced by furniture being shuffled around the floor. The sounds were coming from Lenin’s study, which was locked and sealed, not to mention a number of guards who watched it round the clock.

Senator Jim DeMint, Against Dem Plan to Socialize Medicine

Gerald Warner, Liberal consensus on Burma is humbug and hypocrisy

In Burma, socialism did what it does best: transformed a nation of fertile land and rich resources into an economic basket case (if you are reading this anywhere in central Scotland, a glance out of the window will illustrate the point). It was rice shortages (in Burma!) that provoked the uprising in 1988 that was so bloodily put down by a regime that thenceforth became a straightforward military dictatorship.

Now we are told it would be immoral to have dealings with the regime. In terms of moral absolutism, that seems indisputable; but where is the ethical consistency? The Burmese rulers killed, at the highest estimate, 10,000 people in 1988. Multiply that several times, if you like, to cover all victims of repression in the intervening and antecedent years. It is difficult to take the estimate as high as 100,000. Yet Red China has murdered 65 million people.

What is our posture towards Beijing? In economic terms, we simply cannot do enough for the comrades. Between 1998, when Britain established a “co-operative partnership” with China, and 2003, our trade with Beijing doubled from $5bn to $10bn. The UK’s actual investment in China also leapt by over $10bn in the same period. In 2005, UK companies spent more than $4.5bn on 15 Chinese companies. Perhaps one is missing something, but what was the qualitative difference between the lives lost in Tiananmen Square in 1989 and those killed in Burma in 1988?

Times Online, Stalin, the ogre who won’t go away

Stalin died in 1953, his body now lying outside the walls of the Kremlin, but his ghost is still with us. That is one of the things I learnt over the past five years as I travelled back and forth between England and Russia to interview the last survivors of his Great Terror – a generation that is about to disappear. This was a unique opportunity because the average age of the people who told us their stories was 80 and many have since died. People handed over letters that had been hidden under mattresses, diaries – some written in code – and boxes of photographs.

Tonya, in her sixties, showed me an old towel that her mother had embroidered while in a labour camp. She had never spoken before about being the child of a gulag prisoner for fear of persecution. I soon realised that the first thing that happens when a family has suffered repression is that the children suffer “inherited” or habitual fear. It passes down the generations, reducing voices to a whisper and silencing tongues.

Michael Evans, How Soviet ‘Laurel and Hardy’ punished Rudolf Hess

The daily regime faced by Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy, during his two decades as the sole prisoner in Spandau Jail in Berlin was made as harsh as possible by two Soviet officials described as a “sinister Laurel and Hardy team”, newly declassified files have revealed. […]

In one Foreign Office file, Bob de Burlet, the British governor at Spandau, wrote in May 1974: “The Soviet governor, Voitov, short, fat and roly-poly, and his chief henchman, Fedorov, thin and sallow, are a couple of sneaky and mean individuals who are perfectly cast in their villainous roles as a sort of sinister Laurel and Hardy team.”

Against the wishes of the three other governors, they insisted on removing Hess’s spectacles at 10pm every night so that he could not read, refused to let him have winter socks, obstructed attempts to have his run-down cell refurbished, and demanded that every notebook he had filled with his thoughts be destroyed.

The Sun, Give us the promised referendum

As for the issue of Europe, the Prime Minister was almost contemptuous.

He dismissed the new Constitution, renamed the Reform Treaty, in just two curt sentences.

“I accept my responsibility to write in detail into the amended treaty the red lines we have negotiated for Britain.”

That may be his responsibility.

If he believes this treaty is good for Britain, he should be prepared to take it to the British people so we can make up our own minds.

It is his sworn duty to give a final say to the people of Britain. He is forgetting his promise.

We intend to keep reminding him — right up to election day.

Britain under the EU will soon learn what taxation without representation is all about. What kind of tea party will they throw?

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More Marxist Breadcrumbs 9/28/07

In the real world Communism has been discredited as a system. When the USSR failed, it proved that ideological socialism coupled to the apparatus of state terror is no way to run a country, though it is an effective way to create Hell on Earth. And yet Marxist and Communist memes persist because there are still useful idiots lurking like parasites who continue to spread Marxist propaganda to people who never thought about it.

And there are those who for some reason need to educate their fellow man about the inhuman evil that is Communism and Socialism.

A Trail of Marxist Breadcrumbs

Lenin, Lenin’s Tomb

One of the central Marxist sites on the web. I once summarized it as “Communist agitprop, anti-Jew, pro-Islam, this is what Evil looks like.” I still think so.

Melissa Grosse, Letters to the Editor: Communism is not the right answer

Griffiths aptly stated that, ” … we have the freedom to make mistakes, and the freedom to make other people pay for them.” I heartily disagree – we do have the freedom to make mistakes, but we do not have the freedom to make others pay for them.

This is a “privilege” granted by the socialist government programs in practice (Social Security, welfare, Medicare/Medicaid) that have been, over time, proven inherently flawed.

I would like to know if Griffiths is the only child in her family, or if maybe she would have been one of those aborted had the same restrictions that exist in China existed here.

Grosse is correct. When someone makes a mistake and then makes others pay for their mistake, that is called theft or fraud… or socialism.

The watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside) take a turn too. Check out this string of assertions.

Jane Cutter, Capitalism creates incentives to destroy rainforests

Capitalism is the biggest threat to the environment.

The anarchy of the profit-based system leads to convoluted “solutions” like carbon offsetting to address the growing crisis of global warming. These are not solutions at all. [WP: This is true. Carbon offsets are a scam.]

Socialism is the real answer to the dire problems faced by the planet and its inhabitants. Socialism is a system based on centralized economic planning without the profit motive.

While socialist planning by itself cannot resolve the environmental crisis, it lays the basis for us to organize life to meet human needs while protecting the planet that sustains us.

Mark J. Perry, Socialism Works, But Only if You Know Their Names

After Walter Willams’ dinner speech last night, Robert Barro asked a question about whether the government had any obligation to provide any socialist-type safety-net programs for the general good.

Walter responded something like this. “Let me make this perfectly clear. I support and practice many types of socialist programs including income redistribution, welfare payments, disability support, free health care, and social saftey nets. But I only practice socialism IN MY OWN FAMILY; and socialism like this only works when you know the names of the people involved. In any situation when you personally can’t name everybody involved, then the market is superior to socialism.”

Brown Hound, How to Shatter A Castro-phile’s Arguments

Q. Didn’t the U.S. Defense Department come out with a report saying that Cuba is not a threat to the United States?

A. Yes, although the report’s drafter turned out to be Ana Belen Montes, a woman who was convicted for espionage on behalf of the Cuban regime. Although Cuba may not pose a conventional military threat to the U.S., it clearly demonstrated, with Ana Belen Montes, that it is an intelligence threat. The Cuban regime considers itself an enemy of the USG and is an instigator of anti-American activities all over the world, especially in Latin America. Its functionaries in Venezuela and Bolivia right now are helping leaders there assault those countries’ democratic institutions. Cuba is on the list of countries that support international terrorism; any intelligence it picks up from the USA, it can be expected to pass on to other rogue states or groups that are enemies of the USA.

Michael Martinez, Castro appears healthy in new video

HAVANA—Largely alert and lucid, Fidel Castro made a surprise appearance on a TV news program Friday night in a pre-recorded, hour-long interview, speaking about an essay he wrote last week condemning the U.S. for threatening the global economy.

His appearance was unusual because Castro has largely been out of the public eye since he underwent emergency intestinal surgery 14 months ago.

The government has at times shown photographs and video of Castro, but his exact illness and prognosis have been kept secret. His last state TV interview was in June.

Vanessa Veiock, Illuminating communism’s shadows

Saturated with innumerable, carefully sketched dark lines and splashes of glaring red, Peter Sís’ new book could be two different things: a children’s story about communism or an adult book with illustrations.

“I’m leaving it as a message to find its audience,” the author and illustrator said about his latest creation, The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain.

Originally created to help his children better understand his past, the autobiographical, visual narrative is shelved under children’s literature, but it prevails as an engaging adult book centered on Sís’ childhood in Cold War-era Prague.

Vheadline, Diana Raby: ‘Democracy and Revolution,’ Venezuela and 21st Century Socialism

In ‘Democracy and Revolution,’ Raby argues that Cuba, and above all Venezuela, provide inspiration for anti-globalization and anti-capitalist movements across the world. Another world is possible, but only through an effective political strategy to win power on a popular and democratic basis.

Raby argues passionately that the way forward for progressives is not to be found in the dogmatic formulae of the Old Left, nor in the spontaneous autonomism of John Holloway or Tony Negri. Instead, it is to be found in new, broad and flexible popular movements with bold and determined leadership.

Examining the relationship of key leaders to their people, including Hugo Chavez and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, Raby shows that it is more necessary than ever to take power, peacefully where possible, but in all cases with the strength that comes from popular unity backed by force where necessary. In this way it is possible to build democratic power, which may or may not be socialist depending on one’s definition, but which represent the real anti-capitalist alternative for the twenty-first century.

Diana Raby is Senior Research Fellow at the Research Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Liverpool (UK) and also holds the rank of Professor Emeritus in the Department of History, University of Toronto, where she taught for many years.

She is the author of numerous academic publications on populism, popular movements and revolution, with reference particularly to Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela and Portugal.

Diana has also long been active in solidarity movements and progressive political causes in both Canada and the UK.

Just to underline the point, “Raby shows that it is more necessary than ever to take power, peacefully where possible, but in all cases with the strength that comes from popular unity backed by force where necessary.” She is a thug at heart, as are all communist revolutionaries.

Inigo Guevara, Socialism: alive and well in the new Venezuela

Venezuela has drawn attention because of the rhetoric from President Hugo Chavez, who appears keen to turn Venezuela, the region’s oldest democracy, into a militarised state.

Venezuela’s armed forces were, for most of the second part of the 20th century, a good example of a professional, modern and competent fighting force, at least by Latin American standards. The National Armed Forces comprise four traditional elements: an army, navy, air force and national guard. They have been traditionally non-political, but recent changes within the armed forces – and a deeper relationship with the Cuban military – have prompted a rethink about their roles and missions. While some institutional change has been under way since 1999, the past few months have seen an acceleration of this process, from symbolism and rhetoric that equates the regime’s importance to the survival of the modern state to organic, administrative and constitutional changes.

In March, the Venezuelan Army began the promotion of what it calls “the new military thought” among its ranks, redefining the armed forces’ active role in the consolidation of 21st century socialism in Venezuela. This was re-affirmed during May, with the official elevation of a new motto: ‘Country, Socialism or Death!’. Each soldier must pronounce these words before referring to a superior. Accordingly, the non-political nature of the armed forces has been challenged as the motto suggests that the armed forces should support whoever is in power and, in this case, socialism is the government’s policy.

Our next contributor is a student trying to get advice. The sad thing about the page is how much bad advice he gets from his fellow students before someone points out that Capitalism is an economic system and Socialism is a political system, but forgets to mention that they work together in China, which is just a lovely place to live if you aren’t Falun Gong.

Matherly, Socialism vs Capitalism- where to begin?

I am going to be involved in an informal debate in the Real World, not at BABB concerning the merits of Socialism and Capitalism. Now, I know the basics from my Micro- and MacroEconomic courses in college but I want to do some research that really looks into the two systems and criticises them both positivly and negativly (I want to avoid Straw Men versions)

My question: do any of you have any sources you would recommend? I am quite happy to go to the library so the recommended sources do not have to be on the Internet.

DeanVX, Communism: Worse Than Nazism

Isn’t it interesting that when we see something going on in the world that we don’t like, we compare it to Nazism? People on the far left & far right have done it. Liberals call anyone with even one conservative viewpoint a “Nazi.” Staunch conservatives who oppose abortion have compared it to the Nazis rounding up Jews & sending them to concentration camps. People somehow feel morally superior if they can get away with calling someone they don’t like a Nazi. If you’re one of these people, then I’m going to have to burst your bubble. While the Nazis were bad, they weren’t the ultimate form of evil in the 20th – and even the 21st – century. The ultimate evildoers were communists. Consider:

During Joseph Stalin’s reign, it is estimated that 20 million Russians were rounded up and murdered. Soviet gulags were not completely unlike Nazi concentration camps. The concentration camps existed for about 12 years. Gulags were around for much, much longer. Stalin tends to get a free pass, probably because the Soviets were our allies during World War II.

Opium addiction had been a major problem in China for about two centuries when the communists seized power there in the late 1940s. The communists wiped it out overnight. How did they do it? The communists rounded up all the opium addicts – sometimes entire families – and executed them. Quite an effective drug treatment program, huh? The true number of those who were murdered is unknown, but it has been estimated that between one-quarter & one-third of China’s population was addicted to opium when the communists took over the country.

He sums up the history lecture (drawing on the Black Book of Communism and other sources based on the Soviet Archives) comparing Communism with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, ending with a sensible suggestion:

So remember, when you see something evil going on in the world, the first words out of your mouth shouldn’t be, “That’s just like what the Nazis would do.” The first words should be, “That’s just like what the Communists did.”

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Reasons to be Cynical

One was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939 for being the leader of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. One was nominated in 1945 and 1948 for being the most prolific mass murderer of the 20th Century. One won the prize after being the worst American President of the 20th Century. One won the prize for negligence while watching over North Korean and Iranian nuclear weapons development. One won the prize for presiding over the UN during the Oil for Food scandal, in which his own son was a major player. One won the prize for appeasing the totalitarian regime in North Korea. One won the prize for masterminding terrorist attacks against Israel for fifty years. One won the prize for creating a nation of militant refugees and helping them double in size. One won the prize for leading the North Vietnamese Communist Party and rejected it as he hadn’t yet unleashed half a million boat people to dare the high seas in small boats in order to escape his workers’ paradise.

There are plenty more examples of Progressive thought where that came from.

And another reason… Have you heard the one about Columbia University inviting the Jew-hating dictator of a terror-sponsoring state to campus for a talk in 2007, and 1933?

H/T: LGF 1, 2

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