Imagine take two

With apologies to John Lennon, who was a great singer but had his politics all wrong. Updated


Imagine no abortion
It’s easy if you try
Nobody killing their own infants
Before they ever hear them cry
Imagine all the children
Given a chance to breathe.

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will see freedom

Imagine no racism
I wonder if you can
A color blind society
And brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Seeing past the color of their skin

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will see freedom

Imagine life in Heaven
It isn’t all that odd
Hell invisible below us
Around us the glory of God
Imagine all the people
Singing in harmony

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will see freedom

Imagine more democracies
It isn’t hard to do
No one discriminating
Against Christian or Jew
Imagine all the people
Free to speak their minds

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will see freedom

Imagine no communism
I wonder if you can
All free to give to charity
To build a team of man
Imagine all the people
Living like nobility

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will see freedom

Imagine there’s no poverty
To trap us in despair
No hole too deep to escape from
With know-how, will and care
Imagine all the people
Rising with the tide

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will see freedom


Updated: Some of the lines still don’t scan too well. Any suggestions? Technorati Tags: , ,

3 responses to “Imagine take two

  1. It’s a nice attempt Wolf, but I think the original is irreplaceable to be honest.

    “…and no religion too”, that would really make the world a better place.

    It’s disappointing to see you still referring to abortion as killing children, which it isn’t.

  2. OK. If we somehow obtain total power to change history at a whim we will leave John Lennon’s oevre as is.

    Abortion is killing a child. What is the difference between a child and an infant, between an infant and a fetus, between a fetus and an embryo? What is the difference between an embryo and a cancer and a benign growth? It is disingenuous to claim that a fetus isn’t a child when they are genetically indistinguishable and one will become the other. Most of your cells are replaced in a few months. Does that mean that you today are completely other than yourself in six months? Or would you claim that your identity remains the same?

    I am actually taking a much more radical pro-abortion stance with my argument than you are. You wave your hands and claim that a fetus is as valuable as a pimple, and that getting rid of it is meaningless. I say that a fetus is a child, and that it doesn’t make sense to punish someone who kills a child in the womb if s/he wouldn’t have survived if s/he was delivered. You claim the abortionist is fixing a minor irregularity, while I have said that under circumstances which I expect to become rarer as prenatal and neonatal science advances, that the abortionist does have the right to kill a child without being brought up on murder or homicide charges.

    I hope that clarifies things.

  3. Abortion is killing a child. What is the difference between a child and an infant, between an infant and a fetus, between a fetus and an embryo? What is the difference between an embryo and a cancer and a benign growth?

    No, a child is a born immature human being. Abortion is not the killing of such a being, so it is not killing a child. You keep begging the question.

    The difference between all the things you mentioned is they are different beings! That’s like saying a caterpillar is a butterfly.

    A human being can be said to exist when a nervous system and brain appear. A fetus is not a blastocyst. A blastocyst is not a child. A child is not an adult. But at one point these things CAN develop into new things. At some point one of these things can be called human, but not before.

    I don’t wave my hands and claim that a fetus is as valuable as a pimple, I’m just asking for no double standards. If killing a blastocyst or fetus is wrong, so is swatting flies and eradicating countryside vermin, in fact even more so!

    You are drawing the line at the immediate point of conception, without justification. This is circular reasoning, and draws the lines in the exact place that you personally would like to draw it. But why draw it here? Why not say that killing sperm or eggs is abortion, since there is potential human life here?

    I think your reasoning is still circular and you haven’t justified where you draw the line where you do. With you, it seems it has to be one extreme or the other. But real issues like this aren’t that clear cut.